Thursday, September 23, 2010

Star wars R2D2 hookah w/ LightSaber Handle 4 & Homemade Hookah Contest

Was up guys check out my Star Wars R2D2 hookah i made for a hookah contest.. i need tons of views and comments on my video so i can win the contest.. so watch it.. SHARE it.. and comment on it

(and yes that was my girl in the background talking to my dog) (thanks a lot :-/)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

hand made hoses and handles

The hoses are made from PCP pipe.. some end caps.. covered in yarn .. and to give them a more professional look i used a wrist band i had from a night out drinking.. i also used a head band i got that night too.. for the other handle

Hookah Collection

couple of hand made stuff.. hoses with quick connect systems.. hand made handles,, stainless steel hookah.. jack daniel's hookah.. 1 hookah i got for free after buying some mad shisha!!.. and my little starter hookah that got me addicted to this whole thing

New Guru hose.. some stock hoses... and lots and lots of shisha